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Lovatsville | Lovatsville About

A Stallion Station

Good looking, well-bred and elite performed stallions available at "real rates" to ensure that our clients have the best chance to make a maximum return on their investment.

With standing stallions as our core focus, we shall look to acquire colts either while racing or at the conclusion of their career with a view to providing access to our loyal clients.

Client Relations Focus

As breeders and racers, we possess a strong understanding of our clients' needs and the unique opportunities in today's market. Our commitment is to maintain an open and continuous dialogue with our clients, as this collaboration is crucial in shaping the future of our stallions.

We firmly believe that success in our business hinges on the steadfast support and involvement of our clients. Together, we will achieve great things.


Situated on the famed Northwood Road, in-between central Victorian regional towns Nagambie and Seymour and neighbouring leading stallion farms Godolphin and Swettenham, Lovatsville provides the easy walk-in option for mare owners, with overnight and day yards available.


You can’t win a Premiership without a team. No matter what sport you compete in. We see breeding and racing success completely the same way, which is why we have built a team of talented, dedicated, young industry professionals capable of making a difference.

Our Partners

We are big on community and love working with like minded individuals. Here are some of the amazing partners that we have in business locally and throughout Australia.

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